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Policy Statement for Comments, Concerns and Complaints

Rationale and Policy Considerations:


The Complaints Policy in relation to an early-years service means a policy setting out the procedures for both making and dealing with complaints about any aspect of the service.


A clear and effective Complaints Policy is an important part of providing a quality early years care and education service. Even where every effort is made to meet quality standards, those who use a service may not always feel satisfied with the type, level or quality of the service that is provided.


Although comments and complaints can be difficult to receive and respond to, acting on a comment or complaint appropriately, efficiently and promptly can help upgrade service quality and is important for the reputation of the service and to help ensure positive relationships.


The goals of this policy are to ensure that:


  • Anyone who comes into contact with the service will be assured that if they ever have a comment to make or need to make a complaint it will be welcomed and responded to appropriately.

  • Parents or guardians are informed about the Complaints Policy and Procedures at registration/enrolment.

  • All staff members are aware that if they receive a complaint there is a clear and specific procedure in place to deal with it in a confidential manner.

  • Complaints are taken seriously, resolved efficiently and effectively, and recorded appropriately.


Policy Statement:


Little People’s Academy’s Policy Statement states the principles, values and purpose of the policy. The Policy Statement is included in LPA’s Parents/Guardians Handbook.


Little People’s Academy (LPA) is committed to providing a quality service to children and their parents/guardians and we regularly evaluate our services in order to ensure this and to monitor the standard of our performance.


While this is always our aim, we accept that sometimes things do not always go to plan. In such circumstances, we want to know, so that we can put things right and learn from our mistakes.


We welcome all comments on our services, positive or negative. Complaints will be accepted and investigated irrespective of the nature of the complaint or who the person making the complaint is.  


Little People’s Academy gives a commitment to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. All complaints will be dealt with seriously, sensitively and appropriately to ensure that the standard of service provided by LPA is maintained at a high level. The quality of the service provided to any child and family will never be adversely affected because a complaint has been made.


The complaints procedure is kept as simple as possible. Anyone making a complaint will be supported through the process as needed and given a copy of the ‘Complaints Policy and Procedures’. The complaints policy and procedures are displayed in the front foyer of our services.


When a complaint is received, the branch manager and general manager will be informed immediately. Every effort will be made to address the issue informally before moving to a formal procedure.


If necessary, the complaint will be fully and appropriately investigated. A written acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint will usually be sent within 3 working days and a response within 10 working days.


Where a complaint concerns a member of staff, we will address the situation with due regard to our obligations as an employer and the rights of the employees, the terms governing their conditions of employment and the procedures outlined in the staff handbook. For examples of other sources of information see:


  • The National Employment Rights Agency: Workplace Solutions:

  • Workplace Relations: Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures.


If a complaint is made against the manager, a representative of the management team (usually the general manager) will investigate and ensure appropriate management and recording of the complaint. If a complaint is made against the general manager, a representative of the management team (usually the proprietor/director of the company) will investigate and ensure appropriate management and recording of the complaint. If a complaint is made against the proprietor, a representative of the management team (usually the general manager/or director of the company) will investigate and ensure appropriate management and recording of the complaint.


In the event of errors being made, Little People’s Academy will endeavour to correct them as quickly as possible and to give an explanation and, where appropriate, an apology.


All complaints made – both formal and informal – will be recorded in detail. Records will be stored in the Complaints Records File and will be retained for at least two years following resolution of the complaint as required by regulation.


All information relating to any complaint will be treated as confidential and shared only on a need-to-know basis.


Child protection concern:


In the case of a Child Protection concern the Child Protection Policy will apply. All records of complaints will be kept in full compliance with the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, Data Protection Act 2018 and Freedom of Information Act 2014. The Complaints Records File will be available to those authorised to inspect it, including the Tusla Early Years Inspector.


The evaluation of the outcome of the complaint will form part of the considerations for future policy and practice and risk management procedures.


Communication (Families and Staff):


Our services policies, statements and procedures are accessible and communicated to all, using a variety of media, e.g., handbooks, posters and pictures. They are communicated in a way that ensures that they are understood according to the levels of literacy and understanding of every child.


All parents/guardians are informed of the Complaints Policy on enrolment. Staff members check with parents/guardians that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed.


A summary of this policy is included in the Parents’/Guardians’ Handbook. This policy will also be included in staff induction and annual staff training.


A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to all staff and to parents/guardians in the Policy Folder located in the branch manager’s office.


Parents/guardians may receive a copy of the full policy at any time upon request. Parents/guardians and staff will receive written notification of any updates.


Further Information:


If you require more details regarding our services policies, you can contact our company’s General Manager.


Signed:   Tara Hutchinson Furey (G.M)        Date: 05th January 2022

On behalf of the company Little People’s Academy


Ratification of Policy

This policy was ratified in May 2021 and reviewed on 05th January 2022

Planned Review Date: This policy will be revised on January 2023 or earlier if necessary, in collaboration with staff and parents.

Contact Us:


Little People’s Academy,

(Office Address)

Eccles Court,

Hill Street,


D01 X773. 

Our Affiliates:

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