Policy Statement on Infection Control
Policy Statement:
The aim of our Infection Control policy is to ensure an environment is provided in which children and adults are kept safe and staff members may safely carry out their roles.
This policy must be read in conjunction with ‘Management of Infectious Disease in Childcare Facilities and Other Childcare Settings’ (HSPC, 2012) from the Preschool and Childcare Facility Subcommittee at the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), which guides practice in infection control in this early-years service.
There are three basic principles of infection prevention outlined in the HPSC (2012) guidance:
Handwashing is the single most effective way of preventing the spread of infection and should be used at every opportunity
Immunisation. All children and staff should be appropriately immunised
Exclusion. Any unwell staff member or child should be excluded
The HPSC (2012) guide outlines the most effective ways to prevent infection and can be summarised as follows:
To protect staff and children from the spread of infections, (early years) staff need to understand how diseases are spread and which measures interrupt their spread.
The spread of germs can be greatly reduced if standard precautions (see below) are used consistently and regularly.
It is vital that staff receive training in the use of Standard Precautions. This is particularly important because some diseases are contagious before symptoms appear and because the disease status of a child may not be known.
The single most important way to prevent the spread of germs is by handwashing.
Maintaining a good standard of environmental hygiene, coupled with appropriate cleaning of toys, personal care items, utensils and bed linen as well as appropriate disposal of items soiled with body fluids are other important precautions.
Standard precautions are applied when anyone has contact with:
All body fluids, secretions (nasal secretions) and excretions (urine, faeces, vomit) except sweat, regardless of whether or not they contain visible blood
Non-intact skin (broken skin, sores)
Mucous membranes (eyes and mouth).
The key elements of standard precautions taken in Little People’s Academy (LPA) include:
Handwashing and skin care
Use of protective clothing (PPC), e.g., gloves and plastic apron
Use of protective equipment (PPE), e.g., face masks and/or visors
Management of spillages, i.e., blood or other body fluids
Management of cuts, bites and needle-stick injuries
Coughing and sneezing etiquette
Environmental hygiene
Safe handling of laundry
Safe handling and disposal of waste including sharp objects
Food hygiene.
There are some illnesses where exclusion is necessary to control spread of infection. Children are excluded from the early-years’ service only when,
They are actually ill
Present a danger or a risk to others (children or adults); or
Are unable to benefit from Little People’s Academy’s normal activities.
In general, parents/guardians are asked to keep their child away from the service; and staff members are required to stay at home, until they have been in contact with their GP, if any of the following are evident:
A temperature of 101°F / 38°C or above.
Diarrhoea and vomiting.
Eye discharge.
Rash or skin disorder.
Strep throat.
An earache
A bad consistent cough.
Signs and Symptoms relating to COVID – 19; (see our services COVID-19 Infection Control Guidelines)
This list applies to symptoms seen before any GP visit or diagnosis. Specific exclusion periods are necessary, and are applied, for diagnosed illnesses as outlined in Management of Infectious Disease in Childcare Facilities and Other Childcare Settings (HSPC, 2012) and/or outlined on the HSE website relating to Covid-19.
This guide will be made available for easy consultation by all staff members in Little People’s Academy – and can be downloaded and printed from http://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/lifestages/childcare/
Any child in our service who becomes ill with fever, headache and vomiting; or any sign or symptom related to Covid-19, will need to be sent home as soon as their parents/guardians can be contacted. Parents will immediately be made aware of the staff’s concerns for the child’s wellbeing. In this situation, if there is any significant delay in contacting or the arrival of the child’s parents/guardians; and the child’s medical situation is deemed an emergency; the child may have to be brought directly to the local hospital Emergency Department by ambulance; in the event of this occurring, the parents will be informed.
Parents/guardians are included in the team approach to infection control. A co-operative approach between parents and LPA will help to ensure a healthy environment for the children and our team of staff. Parents/guardians who feel their child is too ill or unwell to participate in indoor or outdoor activity, are advised to keep their child at home to ensure a complete recovery.
Keeping immunisation records for all children attending Little People’s Academy is a legal requirement. Prior to enrolment parents/guardians are asked for a copy of their child’s immunisation passport or record card. Parents/guardians are encouraged to ensure that their child is fully up to date with their immunisations and are required to inform Little People’s Academy if their child has not received any of the standard vaccinations. In this event, the parent may be asked to complete a disclaimer form.
Parents/guardians are made aware of Little People’s Academy’s policies, procedures and practices regarding infection control through our parent handbook.
Parents/guardians must inform Little People’s Academy of any known infectious illness in their child. This is of particular importance if the illness might affect others in the service, for example, if a child develops chickenpox or measles or other such contagious illnesses.
Parents/guardians are informed if there are any outbreaks of infection in our service. Little People’s Academy has a standard notification letter for some of the common conditions.
Parents/guardians of children with any chronic (persistent or long-term) infectious conditions will be encouraged to share this information with the service.
Further Information:
If you require more details regarding our services policies, you can contact our services general manager by email on littlepeoplesacademyoffice@gmail.com
Ratification of Policy:
Signed: Tara Hutchinson Furey (G.M) Date: 05th January 2022
On behalf of the company Little People’s Academy
This policy statement was ratified in May 2021 and reviewed in January 2022.
Management, in consultation with staff, monitors and reviews the effectiveness of this policy yearly or as required. This policy is under continuous review during COVID-19 period and per public health guidance. Planned Review Date: This policy will be revised on January 2023 or earlier if necessary, in collaboration with staff and parents.