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Policies & Procedures

Strong Governance

Statement of Purpose & Function

At Little People’s Academy our mission is to take advantage of the teachable moments that happen every day by fostering the intellectual, creative, social, emotional, and physical growth and development of all our children who attend our service and to
inspire a lifelong commitment to learning.

Child Safeguarding

Little People’s Academy is a registered preschool service providing full day care and early childhood education for children aged 12 months to 6 years within our Hill Street branch; and providing sessional preschool care and education for children aged 2 years and 6 months to 6 years of age within both our Gardiner street branch and our Bray branch.

Comments, Concerns and Complaints

The Complaints Policy in relation to an early-years service means a policy setting out the procedures for both making and dealing with complaints about any aspect of the service.

Infection Control Policy

The aim of our Infection Control policy is to ensure an environment is provided in which children and adults are kept safe and staff members may safely carry out their roles.

Read Full Policy

Policy for Transitions & Settling In

Settling-In, in relation to an early-years service, means the procedures in place to facilitate the integration into the service of a child when they first attend the service; their progression within the service; and their transition from the early-years service to the primary school.

Payment of Fees

The management of childcare fees in Little People’s Academy endeavours to reflect best practice with regard to the budgeting of costs for the provision of a quality early childcare and education service and to ensure the long-term sustainability of the service.

Administration of Medication

Little people’s Academy’s Policy Statement for the administration of medication outlines the principles, values and the purpose of the company’s Administering Medication policy. Little people’s Academy’s policy statement on administering medication is included in the
Parents/Guardians Handbook.

Policy for Child Behaviour Management

It is essential to ensure that the emotional, social and general wellbeing of all of the children attending the service is positively supported in a happy, safe, well-planned and
controlled environment.

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work

The policy of Little People’s Academy is, in so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of all our employees and further to ensure that persons not in our employment, who may be affected by the work activities are not thereby exposed to risks to their safety and health.

Contact Us:


Little People’s Academy,

(Office Address)

Eccles Court,

Hill Street,


D01 X773. 

Our Affiliates:

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