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Policy Statement for Administering Medication



Little people’s Academy’s Policy Statement for the administration of medication outlines the principles, values and the purpose of the company’s Administering Medication policy.  Little people’s Academy’s policy statement on administering medication is included in the Parents/Guardians Handbook.


Policy Statement:


Parents have the prime responsibility for their child’s health and should provide the service with information about their child’s medical needs including information on medicines their child needs as well as contact information for their child’s GP. In general, Little People’s Academy advises parents/guardians to ensure medicines are administered to children before arrival at the centre and after they have left.


The service manager will discuss and agree with the parents/guardians on what is to be the service’s role in relation to meeting the child’s medication needs, in accordance with this policy.


The written consent of the parent(s)/guardian(s) must be obtained in all cases using our Medication Administration Consent Form – see sample included in Appendix A below. The consent form must be completed in full.


Both prescription and non-prescription medicines (such as Paracetamol) can only be administered where specific written consent has been obtained from the child’s parent/guardian. Only medications suitable for children will be given to a child. Where a parent requests any other medication, the service will seek written confirmation from a registered medical practitioner.


All medications will be administered by a staff member competent and authorised to do so. All medications will be stored safely away from children’s reach and according to manufacturer’s instructions including refrigeration if required. All medication received from parents/guardians, administered to children and/or returned to parents/guardians will be fully and accurately recorded (see Appendix B for a Medication Administration Record Form).


In respect of those children who have long-term medical needs such as chronic conditions (e.g., asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, severe allergic reactions), written consent of parents/guardians must be renewed when any change to the administration of the medication is made.


Any child who may require emergency medication will always be in the care of a staff member who has received the required specific training.


Parents remain responsible for ensuring that the service has adequate supplies of the medication their child needs (prescription and non-prescription) and renewing any medication for chronic conditions.


In some cases, an Individual Care Plan may have been developed and the service ensures that the medication required in the plan is given as detailed. The Individual Care Plan may be drawn up by the relevant health care professional in conjunction with the service if appropriate. Such a plan will include details of any chronic diseases or health issues the child is currently receiving treatment and care for, such as allergies or asthma. The plan documents current medications, medical treatments and other therapeutic interventions and specifies how the service will meet the child’s needs.


The service will only accept prescribed medicines that have been provided in the original container marked with the date, name of the dispensing pharmacist, expiry date and clear directions.


The service will only administer medications as prescribed and will not change this at the request of parents without a registered medical practitioner’s written direction. The service reserves the right to contact a health care professional if authorised staff members are unsure about administering medication to a child, even if the parent/guardian has requested the medication to be administered.




All parents/guardians are to be informed of the policy and procedures regarding the administration of medication on enrolment. Staff members will check with parents that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed.


A summary of this policy will be included in the parent handbook.  This policy will also be reviewed with staff members at induction and annual staff training.


A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to staff members and parents in the Policy Folder located in main office.


Parents/guardians may receive a copy of the full policy and procedures at any time upon request. 


Parents/guardians and all relevant staff members will receive written notification of any updates to this policy.


Further Information:


If you require more details regarding our services policies, you can contact our company’s General Manager.


Ratification of Policy


This policy was ratified in May 2021 and reviewed in January 2022.


Signed:   Tara Hutchinson Furey (G.M)       Date: 04th January 2022

On behalf of the company Little People’s Academy


Planned Review Date: January 2023

Contact Us:


Little People’s Academy,

(Office Address)

Eccles Court,

Hill Street,


D01 X773. 

Our Affiliates:

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