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Wobbler Unit


(12 months to 24 months)


Little People’s Academy recognises that children at this age need time to explore their environment and experiment. As a wobbler, your child takes their first steps at this stage and really begins to explore the world around them; and although to an adult it looks like play, to the child, it is the way they learn best.

surprised baby


As your child starts to grow, learn and find their feet, it is vital that their curiosity is nurtured. To aid in your child’s development and learning we use visual, physical and audio educational resources to promote your child’s communication and social skills while encouraging sensory and language development. All our rooms are designed with your child’s developmental needs in mind so you can be relaxed in knowing that they are learning and growing in a playful, fun and stimulating environment.

Child Playing

At Little People’s Academy we use a partnership approach; partnership involves parents, families and our team of early years professionals working together to benefit children. As part of this partnership approach, we share with you your child’s daily diary which details their mealtimes, sleeping pattern, nappy changes, specified medical administration and any other additional information about your child’s day that may be helpful is shared with you. The ratio for this age group is 1 adult to 5 children but we ensure that we have extra support available for those busy times during the day.



Contact Us:


Little People’s Academy,

(Office Address)

Eccles Court,

Hill Street,


D01 X773. 

Our Affiliates:

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